
AdValorem Market Discord

We spent 5 years building AdValorem Market.

We opened and closed many social media channels.

Many times due to a large surge of spam.

The past 2 years, we’ve been testing and creating the ability for users to communicate directly through our discord.

AdValorem Discord is custom designed to fit our NFT community.

As creators mint tokens they are shown a “custom discord link.”

This link is an invitation to a secure server where creators and collectors can interact and discuss their tokens. We created 26 specific communities designed to help our creators and collectors interact.

When you join discord, you will need to do 2 things.

1. Get Verified, by clicking the green checkmark.

2. Choose "Market"

3. Say hello and introduce yourself!

Users are encouraged to communicate through discord for security purposes.

We discourage users from divulging private info, but ultimately that is up to each of you.


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