
Metamask Setup, Contract Overview & RPCs

AdValorem Market is a Decentralized Web3 application with “little-to-no” centralized control; with the exception of developers.

Our goal was to design and build a value driven marketplace enabling users all over the world to exchange value using NFTs.

To connect, you will need a decentralized wallet such as Metamask (Preferred Wallet) or Trust Wallet.

On Desktop, download the Chrome extension for Metamask or Trust Wallet.

On Mobile, download Metamask or Trust Wallet from app stores and use internal browsers to browse AdValorem Market.

AdValorem Market retains “little-to-no” information on file. Any info we retain is used to manage the database and connections to Polygon blockchain. User wallet retains full control of the site.

After wallet setup can connect to NFT.AdValorem.io.

AdValorem Market requires 2 types of tokens.

Matic (Gas) - transaction fees paid to Polygon Blockchain.

VLR - currency to buy and sell NFTs on the market.


We don’t use FIAT. In order to trade in and out of FIAT you will need to utilize an exchange like Coinbase or Binance.

After you acquire a little bit of Matic and some VLR you can mint, list, buy, sell, transfer and redeem NFTs on AdValorem Market.


Do Not Transfer NFTs using Metamask or Trust Wallet. The Wallets “recognize” you own the tokens, but if you transfer them outside the on-site “transfer” and “redemption” functions, you will not be able to list the tokens for sale again. This is a security precaution preventing tokens from leaving the marketplace contract and our ecosystem.

Your wallet is a highly sophisticated tool. In this industry, there are many people trying to scam you out of your tokens by phishing tactics and clever scams. Do not connect to anything you are not 100% sure is legitimate.

If you’re new to web3, we recommend learning all you can about wallet safety and security.

The wallet will prompt you for permission using popups every time you conduct an action.

These “permissions” directly correlate to our blockchain contracts on the Polygon network. The application has no human interaction, everything is settled on the polygon blockchain near instantly and is irreversible.

We created a google sign in option, for us to manage our web2 users in a web3 space. We do not retain anything except your email address so that we may communicate with you. It is not a replacement for having a web3 wallet.

The google login only works on desktop versions until the wallets patch issues preventing them from connecting through mobile.


You will need to add our contracts to your wallet after setup.

Contracts operate as identifiers of Matic, VLR and NFT Tokens. Adding them to your wallet helps you keep track of what you own.

Polygon Blockchain Contracts:

AdValorem VLR Token

AdValorem NFT Marketplace

AdValorem NFT Token

AdValorem Marketplace Royalty Pool

Polygon blockchain has their own RPC (remote procedure call) details. This may change in some cases when the networks slows down, but our preferred RPC details are:

Network Name: Polygon

New RPC URL: https://polygon-rpc.com

Alternate RPC URLs:





Chain ID: 137

Currency Symbol: MATIC

Block Explorer URL: https://polygonscan.com


Intro - Your UNIQUE Royalty Market


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