
Royalty Pool: Harvest & Withdraw

AdValorem Market allows users to create custom Royalty Distributions: Royalty Pool and Yield Harvest.

AdValorem Market runs 4 smart contracts.

AdValorem VLR Token

AdValorem NFT Marketplace

AdValorem NFT Token

AdValorem Marketplace Royalty Pool

Benefits of the Royalty Pool are passed to Creator, Buyers/Sellers and AdValorem Market.

This incentive structure enhances community effect for each creator and helps them expand using pooled rewards.

If a creator values their community, they will allocate more to the royalty pool to help buyers and sellers generate more incentives from their resales.

Royalty Pool is a simple tool in the Royalty Pool section of the profile.

Royalty Pool Displays 4 Items:

APR: Currently at 20%

Unlock Time: When their tokens will be available for withdrawal.

Royalty Amount: User designated royalty pool.

Pending Reward Amount: Ongoing amount of VLR the user is gaining.

User has 2 options:

Harvest: Calls for the pending reward amount from the royalty pool contract to be removed.

Withdraw: Calls for the pending reward amount from the royalty pool contract to be withdrawn.

{User can harvest the pending reward at anytime, but cannot withdraw “Royalty Amount” until expiration date}.

Important: AdValorem Marketplace allocates a 20% APR to it’s locked VLR. APR amount may change with or without notice. The APR comes from our VLR token reserves.


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